Board lifters?

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Deleted member 23452

I'll need to get a board lifter for the job we're on, 2.8 m ceiling height and it's all going to be fire board. Given the amount to do I think it'd be worth buying rather than hiring.

So which makes are recommended or to be avoided?
I've got this one..had it about 5 years,dont use it every day but does the job.about £160 if I remember correctly.
Board lifters?

Think I remember @essexandy .had a right heavy duty one?
Imago @Fatarm is spot on.
We originally bought one of the cheap ones, it didn't last long and nearly caused a nasty accident.
We then bit the bullet and bought a Levpano II. It is bloody brilliant! 15mm fire board on high ceilings are a piece of piss.
Even putting normal boards up at normal storey heights is just so much less effort.
Quite simply I won't tack without one now.
We got ours through Stuart at ukplasteringmachines. He's a real good guy to deal with.
We use the levpano ll lift, recently double boarded 100s of m2 with fireline, no quicker but made the job a doddle at 3.2m high, expensive though.
not far from you Larry.

Funnily enough I've got that on my watch list. (y)

Imago @Fatarm is spot on.
We originally bought one of the cheap ones, it didn't last long and nearly caused a nasty accident.
We then bit the bullet and bought a Levpano II. It is bloody brilliant! 15mm fire board on high ceilings are a piece of piss.
Even putting normal boards up at normal storey heights is just so much less effort.
Quite simply I won't tack without one now.
We got ours through Stuart at ukplasteringmachines. He's a real good guy to deal with.

I'd seen the Levpano but as with anything it's better if you get a recommendation.

The reason I'm getting a lifter is the height of the ceilings and weight of the boards mean it'd be a sh1t job to board. Teetering about on hop ups or ladders holding 40 kg over your head all day falls into the 'I won't ask anyone else to do something I wouldn't' category.
I bought one of the cheaper ones and the thing was a death trap, very spindly and wobbly

That's what I want to avoid, the one's I've seen are like trying to balance a pool table on the end of a fishing rod. I hired one a few years back and it was spot on as it was a much more robust thing. I'll see if I can get one of those Levpano as it'll be worth it.
That's what I want to avoid, the one's I've seen are like trying to balance a pool table on the end of a fishing rod. I hired one a few years back and it was spot on as it was a much more robust thing. I'll see if I can get one of those Levpano as it'll be worth it.
Here you go Larry, what could go wrong :frenetico:
Board lifters?
What!! Never mate hahahahaha!!!.
I could justify £300/£350 max, £800 is a lot of money for a board lifter imo. I got a new one of the cheapos for £125 delivered and cant really fault it mate?
You'll fault it when the c**t breaks and drops a board on you. Our cheapie missed my son by about an inch. No warning, just went. One of the internal pulleys that you can't even see broke.