bonding compound question


Can Gtec universal bonding compound be used instead of coving adhesive for bonding coving to walls which have emulsion paint on ?
Can Gtec universal bonding compound be used instead of coving adhesive for bonding coving to walls which have emulsion paint on ?
Yes do t it loads of time even stuck cove up with multi on certain bug huts
Drywall adhesive is terrible stuff unless on plaster or board. Wickes cove adhesive is just board adhesive in smaller bags the dam stuff.. BG cove adhesive is by far the best stuff then probably easyfill 20 but over emulsion a thin Pva to seal/bond helps. Be carful what you use as so much coving is falling down because of poor adhesion. I've been looking at this cove adhesive mastic tubes so plan to try with off cuts but my recommendation is BG cove adhesive as that safe..

As for the question on gtec found Link Removed
GTEC Direct Bonding provided
all paint has been removed and adequate
key is established by treating with a PVAC
bonding agent according to manufacturer’s
Gtec stuff is horrible, I wouldn't even use it to stick boards up, starts setting on all your tools and in your bucket before you're done.

I generally use knauf, have also used easi-fill.

As above though it won't bond to emulsion, I've had them lose bond before and had to go back and screw and caulk it all to get out of trouble, always score the wall/ceiling if going over paint.. and throw a couple of screws through it to be sure if possible.
Allways use cove adesive. I've always put a few galvernised nails in as well. 30mm ones from wicks 2mm thick .same ones for beads .
Just thought I'd mention... I got a run of bathrooms to cove over wall tiles a few years ago. I bought small pots of bal white star adhesive for bottom edge and boy dose that stuff stick.. You can't get it off anything when dried including your finger nails and door handle in my case.. :frenetico:Wicked stuff... I'm never a fan of using nails or screws as the damage to cove is a pain to fill especially with critical light..
I’m never happy with my joins, leave a small gap fill out nice and clean then go back again later when set to add a bit more to nice neat join using Nela midget.
The trick with coving joins is to Pva. Sbr, or any sealer you have get on the cut edges as very dry and powdery, then when you fit blob some adhesive in the join.. Get it right and the filler will squeeze out and let it sit for 5 mins the finish off.. Will hold well and never crack or shrink back.. Perfect