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Right lads,
Done a bathroom old tiles ripped off so loads of damage to background.PVA all the walls dubbed out walls with bonding,than trouble, the bloody bonding didn't go off for six hours.what should have taken a day turned out to be a day and half.This bonding is getting slower and slower,any body El's had problems with this sh*te.
what was the background? what was the temp? was the bonding in date? how thick did you apply it?
grand wizard said:
do not put cement in gypsum it can make it fail
So what would u rather do sit there for six hours twiddling your thumbs or bang it on collect the money and go.
[How does it fail?]
id rather do it properly and it fails by speeding up setting time which weakens it gypsum does same to cement
Well in all the years ive been plastering and the old man and he is 75yrs old never had a comeback yes its true about putting gypsum into sand/cement weakens it.
Maybee so it hasn t done me any harm to me or my buisness and all my work is from repeat/referall work so i think that was a bit uncalled for steve.Thanks.
instead of cement dust in a push use dirty water...or justy wet background with water and use universal one coat as backing plaster...itll go off in 40 mins ready to skim..
For jobs like this DO NOT put cement with bonding,
put rapid set cement with the bonding ;D 20mins & skim ;D ;D ;D ;D
phippsy333 said:
instead of cement dust in a push use dirty water...or justy wet background with water and use universal one coat as backing plaster...itll go off in 40 mins ready to skim..

why not just trowel the universal one coat up? thats what it is for? thats why it is called one coat ::)
really kirk i didnt realise that...... ::)
I dont like the finish of it , dont like the grit in i only really use it as backing plaster , when on a tight coat say over tile adhesive and its well in kitchens..uneven sufaces lay on trowel and sponged quickly works a treat to get a decent finish needs to be min 5mm thick.ive used it as a "one coat" plaster quite a few times but think it never looks as good as say a board finish ontop of it or multi..u can use it on most background within reason and slows suction on say old render a treat i use it more on domestic jobs more than say bonding or hardwall mainly due to the ammount of old buildings in my area and itll stick to most things due to the ammount of adhesive in it.....looks better when it gets put thru a machine ive been told......but it is the swiss army knife of the plasteriung world in my opinion.......
anyway he was saying he was having problems with kebab eater said it due to the pva area ..i was just giving him an alternative to hanging around using bonding, if u use one coat as a backing plaster just wet background dont slow suction use the onecoat. suction will firm up one coat in 40 mins then skim......u use it as gypsum invented it for you would put it on in 2 coats to around 5 to 10mm feather edge it let it set for an eternity 1 hour plus then sponge it then trowel up the fat.......all for an average finish...
I was thinking the same a while ago that bonding was taking ages to go off, but we have been doing town houses latley with stairwinders and the bondings been going off within a hour without adding anything not even dirty water.
OK lads thanks for all that,
I normally put a bit of finish in with the bonding witch tends to speed things up (no to cement or dirty water thanks) but thought that by the time all the walls were covered and had me bait it would go in two hours tops,(stuff wasn't dead or out of date), did give the walls a load of PVA though and it was a bit cold,set OK in the end. ;) ;) ;) ;)
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