Bowed plastering

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I'm a little baffled how any of you know how pissed this work is when you can only see one end of the 'straight edge'? I'd want to see the full length of it, and where it contacts the wall.
Oh and @JessThePlasterer you know fuckall. No offence.
I'm a little baffled how any of you know how pissed this work is when you can only see one end of the 'straight edge'? I'd want to see the full length of it, and where it contacts the wall.
Oh and @JessThePlasterer you know fuckall. No offence.
Yeah I’d like to see a straight edge start in a bit from the internal. could be the internal out of square rather than the whole board?
Never had a problem , poor storage , always collect my own boards and check floor level for stacking
Fuckk off pal y u sticking up for poorly manufactured boards
Not at all , foam is never flush with board , would prefer choice of thicker plasterboard but I don't buy bent or damaged ( always collect ) and stack flat , no problems
Not at all , foam is never flush with board , would prefer choice of thicker plasterboard but I don't buy bent or damaged ( always collect ) and stack flat , no problems

I had a pallet direct from Encon. All stacked flat and still bent like a banana.

Think the problem is due to two different bonded materials contracting/expanding at different rates causing the bow. Not so much off an issue with thinner boards. Can’t comment on the polystyrene backed boards as I don’t use them, just the PIR boards.
I had a pallet direct from Encon. All stacked flat and still bent like a banana.

Think the problem is due to two different bonded materials contracting/expanding at different rates causing the bow. Not so much off an issue with thinner boards. Can’t comment on the polystyrene backed boards as I don’t use them, just the PIR boards.
That's exactly what I reckon.
Yes but dissimilar materials act differently at same temperature don't they?
Not sure your point , would be only a few degrees temperature difference between bonding in factory and temp on site
The expansion stress from this wouldn't stop a board from being stuck flat as its quite easy to bend when flattened with straight edge , it doesn't have enough force to spring back
Not sure your point , would be only a few degrees temperature difference between bonding in factory and temp on site
The expansion stress from this wouldn't stop a board from being stuck flat as its quite easy to bend when flattened with straight edge , it doesn't have enough force to spring back
Well whatever the reason, it's more common to see bowed boards than straight.