bullnose/rounded corner

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Private Member
Hi all

When doin bullnose corners do you lay on in an up and down manner rather from side to side? Also do you trowel up the same way. DO you leave a little longer for the plasterto pull in before troweliing or crack on as usual? To get a good finish can you use a sponge to create the bullnose?

Cheers but what about putting the plaster on and troweling? up and down or side to side?
side to side. although if you do it vertically please video it and put it on here for my entertainment.
Before trowelling you can help maintain the curve using a sponge float in an up and down motion,wait until it tightens before sponge floating the curve you should know by touch
hi all best way i know, trowel on as normal and when it comes to final finishes get a strip of duct tape (got to be plastic type) about 12" long then use another piece and tape one to the other sticky sides together and pull it up and down on the bullnose gives you the perfect shape and nice and smooth.
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