Business account


Well-Known Member
Who you banking with for business account? And why? I need to set up a new account but not feeling the charges and stuff. Santander are getting on my nerves so probably go elsewhere....
No the tax man doesn’t give a f**k either way what account I’ve got as long as my taxes are paid. It’s just for seperating work finances and personal money. Setting aside my tax properly if I’m not doing cis work. Would prefer two accounts and pay myself from the business account?
I just have three standard accounts and transfer money between them, one for all business and personal finances, another one for tax with a standing order going in each month and the other for savings.
I'm with TSB because I couldn't/can't be bothered changing when I wanted a separate business account as they already had all the details.

I opened the account with them in 1983. :LOL: :oops:
Agree with Danny waste of time and money having a business account just open a another normal account no charges then for putting in or taking out your own money
No the tax man doesn’t give a f**k either way what account I’ve got as long as my taxes are paid. It’s just for seperating work finances and personal money. Setting aside my tax properly if I’m not doing cis work. Would prefer two accounts and pay myself from the business account?
the bank wont let use a current a/c if u do a lot of banking/basically they love to rip u off
I've run on current account for years. Started with a business account but the cost was too high. If you don't need loans and business services then use current account never denied it @Cockney1
Did you say something mate??
How’s it all gone with the van mate?
been a nightmare had to sorn it today tax up mot up /mechanic ive been with for years his mother died she lived in staffs so hesbeen up and down sorting that out but back on van today new steering rack bit of welding then mot new tax ffs
been a nightmare had to sorn it today tax up mot up /mechanic ive been with for years his mother died she lived in staffs so hesbeen up and down sorting that out but back on van today new steering rack bit of welding then mot new tax ffs
Sorry to hear you’ve had grief with it mate, you’re pockets will be lighter but I’m sure you’re be back on the road before you know it. (y)