ceiling damp repair

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New Member
just out of intrest after fixing a ceiling after a leak (stained yellow) do you guys apply misst coat then apply stain block or stain block first?
the painter asking the plasterers a painting question...well i never ;D not a clue mate, i absolutely hate painting. mainly because im s**t at cutting in and get bored
16 hours! do you work for dulex lol u mean put fan heater on and pop back in 2 hours!

so you think a bace coat of undercoat is ok on new plaster?
if you have a yellow stain /water mark or nocotine stain on a white ceiling use of oil based paints is the best way to hide it.
It need to be fully dry .if you want to give it some heat that ok.
i no the old oil based thing ll use stain block as i have loads.. just dnt no weather to misstcoat first to seal the plaster
if its been plastererd there shouldbt be any course for more staining them mate,sorry didnt read first ppost properly
skimmin2day said:
Thin down some OIL based white undercoat slightly and paint a coat of that on,16 hours later emulsion it as normal.
Thats the way to do it white wood undercoat when dry emulsion over it .
Oasis try Zinnseer in the red & White tin!
Use it after your 1st coat of paint.
It's dry in minutes it's shellac based.
Good stuff mate.
Failing that as above White undercoat.
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