Active Member
is there an exterior board i can screw to some stud and then render and yes i know i can use eml or hi rib but would like to know if there is such a thing
Ive just done a load of eboard on Grange park, Dinmore ave, Monocouche. Knauf aquapanel,HPX,fibreglass mesh and monorockhardsolidplastering said:is there an exterior board i can screw to some stud and then render and yes i know i can use eml or hi rib but would like to know if there is such a thing
Theres only a hand full of true locals round here mate,rockhardsolidplastering said:typical of the fylde coast then pft
you no that was on your job i helped u do the other day,you ruff cu ntkebab king said:i`ve seen plasterboard used outside, then rendered.Where was it Flat Boy did that now.
ballsdeep said:yeah,there was a strong rumour about that. a black lad came to work for hansen(gregg) & he said he worked for alvin. alvin turned up on site not knowing this lads origins. sacked him on the spot & said to all the other spreads,that if any of them gave him a lift home,they'd be sacked & they were in the middle of know where like the lakes or something. what was alvins firm called?
kebab king said:Rich brown is black wasn't him was it?? :
Di`nt know he was black,knew he as fat.
kebab king said:Rich brown is black wasn't him was it?? :
Di`nt know he was black,knew he as fat.