Chimney render advice

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New Member
Hello there.

First post and whilst I have read the forum guidelines please forgive me if I have posted incorrectly.

I was hoping for some advice on replastering/rendering a chimney place. I am a painter and decorator so am a bit out of my element!

The fireplace is on an inside wall, the wall shows no signs of damp or cracks but the previous plaster/render (not sure which it is light grey with hair in it) had lifted from the wall. I have now hacked it off and PVAd the life out of it.

So my first question is to I render it? (sand and cement) and then skim with plaster? or do I plaster (with bonding) and then skim with plaster. There seem any number of bondings? some gypsum some concrete or is that wrong?

I have basic plastering skills but lack the knowledge about the right approach in this instance. Advice would be gratefully accepted.

thanks in advance.
When you say chimney place do you mean inside / under the chimney where an open fire or stove might be going?
Sorry, no I mean the outside face. Although the fire will be used if that has any impact on what the face is rendered/plastered with. Thanks.
Lum sand is the preference up here(y).....
chimney sands full of waste products like soot, tiles etc.
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