Coming soon!!

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Well-Known Member
A new Notched Blade for the EZE Spat

This will be great for base-coats on EWI systems ensuring you get the correct thickness.

It will only be available in the 600mm, 800mm and 1m - There will be a 10mm Notch and a 12mm Notch

Will keep you all informed when it is out.

Thanks to all those who have purchased the Spat so far

Hi Mate,

We put a few posts up about that whilst you had your forum holiday. Best not to leave the Plastic in due to the thickness, it will cause the steel to stretch.

Try and push the holder back down with a long piece of wood, even clamp it if possible. It may go back to shape
Just to let you all know the Notched Blades are now in. Richard Brown is going to be the first guy using one so hopefully he will give a great review. Prices and images will be on our website soon. The cost will be similar to the previous blades so don't worry, nothing damaging!!
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