concrete slabbed ceiling

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New Member
hi guys...advice needed again im doing an old council/corporation house it has an adjoining extension which has like a concrete slabbed ceiling and brick walls wants the whole thing skimming gonna board the walls ....... just wondered best option for ceiling .. i thought maybe pva coat of bonding let dry couple of coats pva then multi .....wot you think????
you can gypbond and skim it and use bonding if theres any joins .....look out for bubbles though ;)
Gyproc MF system 'top hat' perimeter channel, hangars and furrings at 400 centres board and skim, gypliners' pretty much the same depends though on what height you can get away with
it's called thistle gypbondit mate you can get it at travis it's the same as wba/betokontact the book you should leave it 24 hours ........just roll it on mate it splatters alot but it'll give you a key and youll get hardly any suction so look out for bubbles!
ouch not vey level ...........if it's a small ceiling pick the lowest point and strike a string level around the walls and level some screeds up with bonding and rule it of flat then carry on if it's way out i'd go down the suspended ceiling route like jetman said
really the gypbond wants to be up first mate ;)
try doing a slurry of sharp sand and cement pva and water . (drop of water about 2" top up with some pva about 1" add 3 good hand fulls of sharp to 1 of dust, first ons need to be wet enough to get a primer coat on, let it pick up a bit then stipple a stiffer coat on with a brush you want to create a key for your float coat ie bonding,) (try getting that of in the morning!) if your going to sand & cement it , put a scratch coat on the day before. don't try and bring it down in multi finish only.
sorry steve ive got to ask why you wouldnt just skim the ceiling?
because of it being so uneven to straighten ceiling lines, getting over maybe shuttering unevenness, hence the tight float coat, (what you think?) :)
honestly i think youre right and im starting to get bored of internet forums and i like to have s*x with my cat :-[
Personally id MF the thing, then you can get your light in and what not ,you dont want to be putting too much weight on a concrete soffitt, depending on the size if its a house it wont be too big any way, you have it metalled and boarded in a couple of hours ready for finishing
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