Contractors in London

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New Member
Tryed all these in the last two weeks

Braddons, C&G, Sudburys, BDL, Shortlands, Screedforce, OCL, Maldens, Astins, Merlins, Conneelys, RPN, Lightweights, Robert E Lees, Stamfords, Progressive, Toveglyn.

All are full up.

Can any of you guys from London tell me if i've missed any.

p.s, McDermotts are in liquidation.

Much appreciated.
They rang just before Xmas, whats the blokes name Andy is it? And said did I want to go up there, luckily had work locally so gave it a miss
Hi all

Can i ask what a good spread is on in london at the min on day rate only asking as been asked to do some work for a few days up there down in kent its about 120-150 depending on the job is it the same rate up there many thanks :)
Hi mate yer sounds about the same just wanted to check as dont really work in london but doing it as things abit slow for us at the min but the sub work is starting to pick up a bit now many thanks again and good luck ;D
ardmore have got a job in kensal rise-they advertised a couple of days ago 0208 344 0300-they,ll probably just put u on a list but worth a go
i aint worked for troweltek i met him years ago on a site before he was machine plastering just wonderered if it was same bloke
damian (trowltek uk) is a sound lad worked for him in plymouth 3 yrs ago on drurys hotel and in liverpool on drurys and staybridge hotels 2 yrs ago
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