

currently I have to make a corner into a door recess with plasterboard. Which way do I join the corner. I.e. Do I have the wall board largest covering the edge of the board that joining at 90 degrees (from the recess). Or the other way round

Or does it not matter ?
Mitre the corners on the plasterboard then they'll be perfect(y)
if im reading this right it wont matter witch way you do it as you'll be beading and skimming it
Will indeed be beading and skimmong it.

Are you serious about metering the corners ! Have difficulty believing that anyone would do this due to the time involved ?
Was only pulling your leg mate, doesnt matter as long as the joint is flush as the bead will cover it, if youre measurements are slightly off buy a cheap rasp and make the boards meet perfect:)
Put the reveal on first leave it wider than it needs to be then board to it and cut the excess with a saw
Perfect corner
Bead and skim

Make sure you use a left handed saw though otherwise it won't work
Tommy's top tip :fuckyou::fuckyou: