Correct wording...

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It's just that it's the kind of question that a very good looking man with a ginger beard would ask. The sort of man who's easy to get along with, is great crack, starts amazing threads on a Friday evening and possibly has a bald head.

Are you that sort of a man?
Not really
I want to put up a sign at a rendering job I am doing, not sure what the correct wording would be, External rendering (carried out) by..... or External render (carried out) by...
Yeh I know render is a verb and rendering a noun, I am still not sure which one is right.

Why don't you just put f**k**g plastering contractor?
It's just that it's the kind of question that a very good looking man with a ginger beard would ask. The sort of man who's easy to get along with, is great crack, starts amazing threads on a Friday evening and possibly has a bald head.

Are you that sort of a man?
Are you a psychologist???
Rendering I would use.

Less face it, who out there are that good at grammar?

Even I am lost with nouns and verbs.