tex it all
anyone got a rough idea on supply and fix gyproc prices on site per meter ....also i charge approx £70 for domestic job 12x12 supply+fix is this about right.... cheers
tex it all said:ta lads ... i dont think iam to far out with me prices then ,its mainly the odd self build and domestic extensions .work in east norfolk/suffolk seems to be getting tighter ...might have to move back to sunny essex
Saw that in the gazette my self what a knob.rockhardsolidplastering said:noticed this up my way prices being put in paper ,wall =50 full room =150 im sure labour only its better than nowt
simplybesty said:think i am over charging my builders. we charge £2.25m2 labour only. ;D ;D ;D ;D
I always mitre my mid wall joints too. Used to be able to do 140-160 mtrs a day. Don't know about that now though. If I do 100mtrs i'm happy enough.simplybesty said:dont fill guilty tony, i love coving but they get a good job done, never do stright joints and all that crap, had some lads do some houses for me a while back and i told them, no straight but joints and every joint was stright butted and you could every one.
phippsy333 said:Andy ive got a fella in my town who same as your man used to do artexing and coving...was trying to tell me a while back that artex have brought out their version of a smooth it product for ceilings as all he was now doing was coving.......ive seen his finish with this smooth artex stuff.....lol.....flat it aint......quicker...erm no...cheaper....not that either......thin k his old trade as youve said is getting fairly extinct
Ive seen some really beautiful work from an old boy in my village.....some of his comb work is a bit special.....really was a shame to cover them....theres a proper skill in it ..tex it all said:some artexers or ex artexers[myself included will find skimming and most internal plastering fairly easy to pick up] before you shoot me down understand a old school one will be able to tape caulk out tapes, fix plasterboard fix cove and cornice skim ceilings using artex over existing artex then reapply new pattern ,also being able to skim ceilings as required in order to to fix plaster mouldings had to be learnt as you went along. not all of us used to slap it on with a broom .having been on tools for a fair old while now i tackle and complete most type of internal plaster work .but i dont call myself a plasterer and i find it amusing coming across some plasterers work.i think its a trade where we need a lot of natrual talent once you have the plastering basics and in my case the evolve with the times ;D
kebab king said:Some of the atrexers i know do it with multi, sounds weird but looks ok when painted.
essexandy said:kebab king said:Some of the atrexers i know do it with multi, sounds weird but looks ok when painted.
Used to get asked to do quite a few of these on integral garages by builders, it gave the fire resistance of a plaster ceiling yet because there was no troweling up they got it cheaper. That's how I got into doing Artexing in the first place.
napper83 said:ive done a few ceilings in multi an finshed with a brush kind of figure 8 swirl pattern
Done that as well napper.napper83 said:ive done a few ceilings in multi an finshed with a brush kind of figure 8 swirl pattern