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New Member
hey all, have a question , whats the best adhesive to use for plaster coving, as i was told that gyroc coving adhesive is no good. ???
If by plaster coving you mean gyproc or knauf then use cove adhesive or dri wall ahd ,
If by fibrous plaster cornice , then try tile adhesive , fix n grout being the best
Artex Quick Start is good for plaster cornice. It is sticky as f**k and you can fill the corners with it too.
Any plaster coving manufacturer / supplier should be able to provide you with some adhesive.

If you get the powdered form, you can then add some to your casting plaster to slow it down when doing your mitres.
normal coving ie, bg 4 inch 5 inch etc, i use joint filler, the artex "fancy": cornice same again with a lick of pva on the back edges first, never ever had a problem wi any of them :)
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