Cracks !

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New Member
Does any body know any way to sort out cracks.I usually skrim them ,then skim the whole wall but some clients dont want this any ideas?
What do they want?
How big the cracks?
How many
If they want them filled then gouge them out and fill with easi fill then rub them down.
That said there's no guarantee it won't crack again.
There bout 10 cracks in this old womans bathroom , im doing a reskim on her ceiling next week and had a look at it today , and ther are cracks she wants sorted , i going to skrim 1 wall then skim that be handy enough but the other cracks are on the wall with the window and basin etc (pipes everwhere) not so handy :-X just thinking of sorting the cracks instead ::)
turn the water off for the day (once youve filled your buckets) and whip the bog and sink out if its gonna be that bad...
o cracks...
give em a bag of easy fill and tell em to do it themselves.... or do it yourself and charge em the same as you would to skim the whole wall, bout the same time involved, let em make their choice...
Does any body know any way to sort out cracks.I usually skrim them ,then skim the whole wall but some clients dont want this any ideas?
your the plasterer mate you tell them how to do it
i usually skrim them and skim the full wall if its that bad
segs you kill me!
Where was the first post going?
o i read something about cracks bein a pain in the arse to sort round the bathroom fittings etc, and took it the customer was bein an arse about it... then i remembered a little trick my old gaffer pulled one hot day as we sweated buckets digging footings and the woman in the house sat there drinking tea all day and moaning at us... without offering a brew i might add...
the gaffer turned the water off in the footpath, told the woman it was necassary for the footings... and didnt turn it back on for two days!!
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