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started to render a garage last week used 4-1-1 +sika waterproofer that was ok went back yesterday to coat reveals 5-1-1 and wet up ,they looked perfect went back today cracks all over the place whats causing this shrinkage i think or is sika to be kept away from
Thick top coat may be ? wet render warm weather, i think some waterproofers work to well you need a little suction on outside renders .
Were you using a really clean, as in washed sand? If you are one coating the revels as most do and the sand has to high a silt content this will cause craze like cracks. Also keep the thickness down to 10 to 12 mm and you are less likely to get cracks. Hope I'm not telling you how to suck eggs but I can't see how the waterproofer would cause the cracks. By the way I tried the sika consentrated waterproofer and found it to be utter rubbish.
KBs in clochester have silka prouducts on special at the mo that tells you somthing ......
church said:
KBs in clochester have silka prouducts on special at the mo that tells you somthing ......

I've got some going free beat that :D Mind you, you all seem to nice to give it to.
we dont have plastering sand in this area all we got is building/soft sand ive had a few probs like this recently really pissin me off go to such a real effort making it right then next day the fu**er cracks .and i two coat reveals andy got to be two
pwi said:
we dont have plastering sand in this area all we got is building/soft sand ive had a few probs like this recently really (french word)in me off go to such a real effort making it theres yer answer you cant render with building sand periodright then next day the fu**er cracks .and i two coat reveals andy got to be two
[/quthats your answer wrong sandote]
pwi, are you in wales, we did some work in wales and went to the merchants to get some sand and they looked at me like i was from mars when i asked for washed pit plastering sand, all they had and supply was building soft sand. If you have a real problem mate, use OCR from euromix CPI about 3.50 a bag all ready to go, just add water.
simplybesty said:
pwi, are you in wales, we did some work in wales and went to the merchants to get some sand and they looked at me like i was from mars when i asked for washed pit plastering sand, all they had and supply was building soft sand. If you have a real problem mate, use OCR from euromix CPI about 3.50 a bag all ready to go, just add water...
im in south scotland simply this ocr can it be used for any purpose .i was the same i moved here 4 years ago from brum and went to the merchents and asked for plast sand they hadnt a clue ?? ???
What's your local sharp sand like pwi? In some areas the sharp is fine enough to use and this will be clean, I did one with some not long ago.
pssst bod ...this fcuckin sand things a bit confusing i thought holme sand was the only one out there ;D...apart from the yellow pit sand the cats like pooing in
It must be a south west thing then. ;D I thought it might be i was working up leicester about 12 years ago and i had to do a bit rendering and sum s**t turned up and it was red sand a bit like pit sand but red and speaking to other builders there they said thats all they got round that way.
The local pit where I used to live produced really red pit sand, by the end of the day your hand and clothes were dyed by it, heavy as @@@@ as well.
essexandy said:
What's your local sharp sand like pwi? In some areas the sharp is fine enough to use and this will be clean, I did one with some not long ago.
sharpe sand here is like concrete sand abit course .theres a travis perkins a few miles up the road ill give them a ring see if they can get me som plast sant
I was chatting to a mate today who was in the screeding industry for the last 5 years, and he tolld me about all the problems they used to get with the screed all over the country, and one of the only screeds that would past the hammer test was in the south west using bideford sand. I dont understand why it aint used every where?
Sand!! One of my bugbears, if you don't use it then sand is sand, builders just think you having them over when you tell them to get anything other than crap building sand!!!! I've had to use building sand and it just doesn't cut the mustard!! The builder doesn't like it either when you tell em that the cracks are down to the sand they supplied! :D

this could also be down to differential shrinkage cause when your top coat is stronger that your bottom coat, what was your mix ?
Sand is a nightmare, my local travis sells some great plastering sand, but 12 miles up the road the other travis sand is s**t, one is red and the other is yellow.
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