damp patches

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New Member
hi guys had a call today from customer i done job for around a month ago ,he has some damp patches coming throu on the walls and the paint is flaking off...what could this be ? the walls were artex so as usuall i scraped,uni bond ,thin coat of bonding then skim....any ideas? dnt want him to think it my fault!!
Was the wall damp when you started? What are the walls like on the other side ie are they external is the brick work or render ok ? if it is external is there a leaking gutter or downpipe? Has he had any plumbing work done.
good questions raggles , its a big terrace house so walls are not external the worst bit is on a filled in chimley breast.. not sure bout any plumbing wrks ect will ask and no the walls didnt seem wet when scrapping ..
needs a vent mate chimneys sweating and the salts are coming out giving you the damp, did you close the fireplace up??
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