no i dont think you should plaster it!!! why?? whats the problem with the plaster?
the problem is the wall is skimming it wont solve it...skim it if you like but the problem will still be fact for gods sake dont tell em youll fix the wet wall till you know where its comin from...
reading from what youve said my next estimated guess would be water driving(in wind) or seeping(capillary action) under the frame
and under the window board manifesting itself in the easiest possible location...could be soaking in, dropping down the cavity then tracking through snots...
have you gunned between the bricks and the window good seal, dry both surfaces, low modulus silicon (high movement)
if so give it a good 5 minutes direct with the hosepipe, if you aint fixed it believe me youll know....
if nothing happens after the hosepipe do the pencil line trick and come back in a week..if its shruck then skim it...but dont forget to charge for your time and expertise....a damp proofing company would prolly have hacked the wall off, injected it, replastered it THEN realised the problem, quick fix and 2 grand ta very much...
sorry dp companies..but your only as good as your surveyor..