DIY'er looking for advice on rendering

Get ya level out slick Rick!
DIY'er looking for advice on rendering
Ha! How tall am I? I wish I was f-kin shorter! I'm rendering a pond... under a tarp....

I posted my question in the rendering section.

Basically, I'm using SBR in my mix and the directions say to leave no more than 8 hours between coats. Just checked my scratch coat, 8 hours after I started it and its going off nicely but its still got some movement in it.

No way am I going to start my finish coat at 9pm!

So why the max time limit of 8 hours? Normally you'd leave a day or two between coats?

Worst case, I'll just have to slap some more SBR slurry on the scratchcoat tomorrow.

I'm only rendering a pond which is shallow, so its not like the side of a house of something.