Do you need to use waterproofer with frostproofer outside rendering?

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New Member
Spoke to cementone tech team today about using their wintaplas frostproofer. They said you cant use waterproofer with the frostproofer, so wondered how do i go about waterproofing the wall and how to protect it from the frost. Any tips on rendering outside this time of year and what product are best to use would be helpful too. Thanks
fook rendering in this cold weather left me setting bucket outside last night full of water and it froze solid
some1s just asked me to do some rendering on my days of think i going try talk him out of it lol
Agree, if possible re-schedule any rendering til the weather picks up. That being said, I'm rendering all week next week, thats just the way it goes
Always the same, skimming loft conversions all summer sweating your b*ll***s off. Then as soon as there's a frost on the groung the phones ringing for outside rendering jobs.
in answer to your question boo we break a lot of rules. I would prefer to render the way it should be done (lots of threads on here advising how) if a regular client of ours needs a house rendered, we have to get it done. All they care about is getting scaffold down and work finished. When temp is low like it is this time of year we use rapid set cement, I know its not preferable but it works for us. silver sand and lime has always served us well. 4.1.1. scratch and 5.1.1 top but half cement and rapid set. I always look back on jobs I have done in the past and havent seen any cracks yet.
I was told that frostproofer speeds up the setting time so since then I always used RHOPC when I was forced but now I'm old enough to tell the customer to get a young un in.
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