don't use speed skim,Darby or feather for skimming!

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hail hail

Private Member
Been plastering off and on for 20 years but only ever used a MT when skimming. Have seen others use a Darby from time to time on skim but its mostly just a steel trowel.

Wee guy working with me this year has been going on about a speed skim being used in the UK so thinking of getting one.

Does anyone rate this and would you use it often. Have a 4 bed cottage to board and skim in 2 weeks so thinking of getting it for starting this job. Was looking at a speed skim kit with 3 different sizes but wondering are they worth the money?
Haha double your meterage!! Don't listen to the marketing spiel bud, they ok like, throw it on straight over with the SS, lay it in, SS again if it's not neat, that's it really bud, the earlier the better with the SS, with it being plastic it doesn't draw moisture to the surface so goes off a little quicker..
Haha double your meterage!! Don't listen to the marketing spiel bud, they ok like, throw it on straight over with the SS, lay it in, SS again if it's not neat, that's it really bud, the earlier the better with the SS, with it being plastic it doesn't draw moisture to the surface so goes off a little quicker..

A sure we can all live in hope. Thinking back to my OP, what in the name of good f**k was I thinking! A piece of plastic doubling my meterage, f**k**g mental lol.

So basically, I throw first coat on, go over it with the ss. Throw second coat on, go over it again with the ss then finish up with a MT. If that's the case, how better are they than a Darby? You can get a nice Darby for something like 35euro, these ss are 49£ if I remember right.
The first coat is the key to all your woes get that flat ! Fill out most of the imperfections mostly on reskims not board obviously and your home and dry ...keep your trowel clean and that's it ......oh and always flush after a poo !! That's for the dirty boys on sight ....
The first coat is the key to all your woes get that flat ! Fill out most of the imperfections mostly on reskims not board obviously and your home and dry ...keep your trowel clean and that's it ......oh and always flush after a poo !! That's for the dirty boys on sight ....

Yeah I do this with the trowel but if the ss can speed things up, I'm all for it
all I can say is give it go....if you dont like it.... ebay it :D... doesnt work for wives though.....

I've have it in a basket all day but still haven't hit my numbers in to finish buying it :( I'm a tight aul f**k*r these days so its like getting blood from a stone lol
Another thing, when buying the pro set, does it come with the edge protection or have they to be bought seperatly?
We have a saying in my family ...we work to the thistle not the whistle ..its done when its done
Just put some cotton wool I'm me mouth !! My family lol ...the family ... I'm
Looking in the mirror now ....saying are you talking to mee ...
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