dot an dab

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New Member
internal brick walls and walls with windows in them, ~12.5mm boards with a inc or 2 gap at the bottom with pva,d walls and dry wall adisive , that sound ok? or do the walls qith windows in them (outside walls) need sand cement or moistue boards?
Re: got an dab

ay? ;D if the walls are twin skinned with no moisture probs you can use what you like if there single skinned i'd go down the sand cement route mate
Re: got an dab

haha was watching tele at the same time then sorry mate, please describe twin skinned and single skinned walls, dose that mean the thinknes of the wall? still quite new to all this mate
if a walls a solid wall it could allow moisture in this could be a stone wall or brick ....nowadays you get two layers of bricks built the one on the insides for decorating and the one on the outsides for rendering the bit in the middle is for insulating and will let any moisture travel to the bottom through weep holes
aahhh yes it is double skinned mate , and i think the out side if renderd, cheers spunkybum, haha never get tired of hat name
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