Dubbing out.


New Member
First post so hello.... Just a quick question, I've knocked a wall down in my kitchen. The length of the wall is now uneven, about an inch at the worst part. Would carlite bonding be the best material to dub it out, before I use multi finish to plaster the whole wall, or is there a better option ? Cheers


  • Dubbing out.
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Get that smelly disgusting sparks to chase the wall properly - hate having to try and cover their shoddy lazy chases :)
Thanks for the reply lads, I've run a line on it, corner to corner it's not too bad, just the section directly after the old wall is rough. I'll be putting floor to ceiling kitchen units on the wall, so it's more to help me with fitting them than appearance....ill go with carlite if I can get any..... I presume 'a proper spread' means just plastering the lot with multi finish? Even tho its over 20mm out? .... Thanks again
Thanks for the reply lads, I've run a line on it, corner to corner it's not too bad, just the section directly after the old wall is rough. I'll be putting floor to ceiling kitchen units on the wall, so it's more to help me with fitting them than appearance....ill go with carlite if I can get any..... I presume 'a proper spread' means just plastering the lot with multi finish? Even tho its over 20mm out? .... Thanks again
Mate use 50/50 lime and plaster..its the in thing to do,its like spreading fresh plaster (y)
Carlite bonding is like rocking horse s**t lol.... Prob a stupid question, would plasterboard bonding be OK to dub out and plaster over, I've got a few bags here. As it's just to level wall before fitting kitchen units? Cheers