Dust Sheets

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How do you guys deal with coving floors, iv used the plasic 1800x1200 sheets they are quite ood but cost £2.90 each and once they are all messy are a pain to lug around every were. and cant be assed to pressure wash them on weekeds! my dust sheets seem to get very mess after while and very damp and in this weather cant dry them out? iv just put loads in are new £600 washer dryer and are mrs has garn mad.. grit every were!

so what does every 1 else do?
yeah i have the same problem.... i usually put dust sheets down, then put tarps over the top,,, and use the tarps on about a 6-8 jobs then bin them, i havnt gone as far as putting my dust sheets through the washer/dryer yet, but they do need cleaning, i just flick all the crap off my sheets after every job, and neatly fold them back up, which i hate doing more than anything...... a lad i know bins his tarps after every job.
coving is for ceilings tut tut and dont drop so much and your sheets should be fine but that comes with practice and not rushing, also hang them over the washing line and jet wash them.
Same as skyzoo.
I use cotton twill dustsheets I keep them doubled up on floor then tarp on top.
And mix buckets on an off cut of board.
Then end of job lift each corner of tarp all the crap goes in middle put in dust pan straight into rubble bag then fold tarp ready for next job.
Dustsheets underneath should then be clean & dry just fold up.
If any hooverin to do it's only round edges then. But I don't know how to use a hoover anyway ;D
And i've never washed any sheets, I've had some for years.
just give em a good shake now & again if they get loads of dust on
Skyzoo do you keep your sheets doubled up?
It's a piece of p i ss to fold em if you do plus extra protection on tiles & laminate floors.
yeah...... i double mine up,,, also have a few heavy duty sheets that dont need doubling up... they also make dust sheet with a polythene back now, probably wont last ten mintues.
well my lab kicked over the pva on one sheet the cleanin out water on the other and i had a rad leak on another.. other than that Bond it and plaster build up fast!
why do you lads put the tarp over the dustshett?..isnt it supposed to be the other way round?....................i price them into my jobs
Spunky I find it Easier to clean up mate, plus it keeps the dustsheets dry as I only use them as extra padding under the tarp to protect the laminate, tiles, lino etc if dropping ceilings & the like.
Plus tarps cheaper to replace than dustsheets. ;D
Simplys gettin old he's tired at 8pm. :D
Oh well I'm off to get even more p i ss ed than I already am
;D ;D
Nisus said:
Simplys gettin old he's tired at 8pm. :D
Oh well I'm off to get even more p i ss ed than I already am
;D ;D

the poepple givee me aa bollte of souther compfort toooday....
I use polythene dust sheets from Wickes (£10.00 for 10) or Screwfix (£1.99 for 2) and put them down first with a fabric dust sheet over the top. I use twill dust sheets, old bed sheets...you name it. It takes about 20 - 30 mins to set up depending on the room but you save time later as you don't have to worry about mess etc.

I let the fabric sheets get pretty messy before I wash 'em as they don't come into contact with the carpet or flooring. I just shake 'em off before the next job. The only reason I put something on the plastic sheets is to catch the pva as it will stay wet for days on the plastic sheets and ends up getting on the carpets when you take them up. I only usually use one coat of pva and tend to lash it on with a roller. I also find that if you drop any gear (which of course I never do ;) ) it tends to splash less on the fabric sheets. They also stop my hop-up from tearing the plastic :)

I always factor the polythene sheets into the price of a room (£10.00) but usually get away with using 4 or 5 so end up making off it.

I get the same problem with the missus and the washer though mate. If they're really bad I'll take 'em to the laundrette and fcuk their machines up instead ;D
and one used the 1800x1200 plastic sheets? coax i fink they are called get them in TP. very good for putting down and you can cut the easy with a knife 2 fit the room but at £2.90 a sheet they get wet and dirty its a pain in the ass to messa round cleaning them so maybe i will put dust sheets on top of them next time..
Lee101 said:
I use polythene dust sheets from Wickes (£10.00 for 10) or Screwfix (£1.99 for 2) and put them down first with a fabric dust sheet over the top. I use twill dust sheets, old bed sheets...you name it. It takes about 20 - 30 mins to set up depending on the room but you save time later as you don't have to worry about mess etc.

I let the fabric sheets get pretty messy before I wash 'em as they don't come into contact with the carpet or flooring. I just shake 'em off before the next job. The only reason I put something on the plastic sheets is to catch the pva as it will stay wet for days on the plastic sheets and ends up getting on the carpets when you take them up. I only usually use one coat of pva and tend to lash it on with a roller. I also find that if you drop any gear (which of course I never do ;) ) it tends to splash less on the fabric sheets. They also stop my hop-up from tearing the plastic :)

I always factor the polythene sheets into the price of a room (£10.00) but usually get away with using 4 or 5 so end up making off it.

I get the same problem with the missus and the washer though mate. If they're really bad I'll take 'em to the laundrette and fcuk their machines up instead ;D

a tarp 20m2 is less than a tenner from b&q lasts ages doesn't tear easy and if you do drop anythin pva skim whatever just sponge it off.
also keeps ya sheets clean & dry = less cleaning up = in the pub quicker ;)
oasis said:
and one used the 1800x1200 plastic sheets? coax i fink they are called get them in TP. very good for putting down and you can cut the easy with a knife 2 fit the room but at £2.90 a sheet they get wet and dirty its a pain in the ass to messa round cleaning them so maybe i will put dust sheets on top of them next time..

ive got a few of them 8x4 size an a load of cuts just take em off site its free then ;)
I used to have a mate that worked on the gas board,hes used to get me these 1 m wide rolls that stick to carpets direct and you just pull then off afterwards and throw after.They are brilliant,but im down to my last 20-30 m now and he got the sack about 6 month ago.
I dont know where you can by them from but thats what you need.
if you find somewhere that sells em let me know !!!!
I used to double fold these cheap sheets in the midle of room then round the edges use the sticky stuff to hold the sheets in place.
tool station do something similar. not sure on sizes though. we use building paper on tiles and laminate, tape it down the edges n pull it up when your done. if we refused to do work in rooms with carpets then we'd lose alot of money!
skimmin2day said:
I used to have a mate that worked on the gas board,hes used to get me these 1 m wide rolls that stick to carpets direct and you just pull then off afterwards and throw after.They are brilliant,but im down to my last 20-30 m now and he got the sack about 6 month ago.
I dont know where you can by them from but thats what you need.
if you find somewhere that sells em let me know !!!!
I used to double fold these cheap sheets in the midle of room then round the edges use the sticky stuff to hold the sheets in place.

Is this the stuff? If so it tells you where to get it from on bottom left of their page:
Link Removed
Cheers steve / nisus ....that looks like the stuff.Aint sure on the thickness but ill order some rolls and give it ago.
Oasis give it a try mate.nothing worse than cleaning your sheets.
in the past ive got ot the stage where all my good dust sheets are so f u ck ed up i had none left suitable for painting so i had to go out and spend £200 on quality painting sheets.
Oasis..what ever it costs bill the customer accordingly + extra.
if you explain to the customer that if you want your carpets left in one piece you either lift and relay or you pay £20 for sheeting they understand that.
also, i think theres two different types, one for wood and tile and one for carpet. just saying incase you order the wrong one.
I have only ever used them on carpet mate.They dont budge at all,there fine with stilts if you keep them dry !!!!!!
you can even lap them up to the skirting boards
haha tell me about it, i found the only wet patch it the room when i was on them once. nearly went!
skimmin2day said:
I have only ever used them on carpet mate.They dont budge at all,there fine with stilts if you keep them dry !!!!!!
you can even lap them up to the skirting boards

Good idea ;)
I was thinking the other day how I can use my stilts on carpets etc, as long as that stuffs strong enough & doesn't tear/rip. Is it strong stuff that skimmin?
As it's a bit dodgy with sheets & tarps for using stilts.
I was gonna get some hardboard & duct tape for using the stilts on but that be a pain setting up every job!
I hate settin scaffold up or using loads of hop ups & planks knowing my stilts are in the van.
you mean the paper nisus? oasis thats probably why you get so much on your handles, because your constantly stumbling haha
steve_cov_spread said:
you mean the paper nisus? oasis thats probably why you get so much on your handles, because your constantly stumbling haha

Nah steve I meant that packexe stuff u used it?
i've plastered in a room where its already down, never put any down or taken any up though. i had thoughts about it leaving a residue on wooden floors or ruining carpets put apparently not. the builders we work for swear by it.
Yeah I seen it at merchants but never bought any as I thought it looked like cling film ;D
it's gotta be pretty tough though, also it's not cheap but the price can be added to jobs.
What sort of working range do you do from coventry steve or is your work all local?
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