ello very 1

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New Member
looks a gr8 site been readin threw found many gd tips..bonding agent..sounds like gd stuff 4 artex...alsways do 2 coats thats gota be done...1 coat wonders sounds like site work,,(not diggin site just no its all 1 big rush on site)

iv only been on me own 18 months im 20!

earnt £2,200 in 6 days 1 week
earnt -£(got 2 much warter on new oak floor!)another so its a bit up and down ...all gd.
Welcome to the forum Oasis,

We have all had our trials and tribulations.

I smashed a diamond glass figure thingy once..... but hey ho

wtf were the idiots thinking who put down a brand new solid oak floor then asked you to come and skim the room???

'oooo nobby now weve got all the radiators on and the skirting boards on and the new 100% wool axminster carpet down dont you think it'd look better if we plastered the walls then we wont have to look at all the cracks?'

ive just plastered a newly fitted kitchen i said to the custemer you should have had me in first before the kitchen fitters...........she said i didnt think of it that way round it makes sense now you mention it >:(
also was working ina big house..lent 40 wall boards up against a antique wardrobe..it went BANG ..we tryed 2 fix it with battons..but it was no use if wed of fixed that id be looking at a new job title..
we left out the back not sayin a word..sent a antique restorer round be for she got a chance to say "john lewis" ..
not 2 bad ll fixed for £100 ..
id have loved to have seen the look on your two faces at that precise moment! ;D
god i hope you lot got insurance for all this lol.

im just about to take some out 8-)

welcome to the forum mate.

worst i did was left water filling the bucket up while i went on 15min break, as you can imagine there was 2 inch of water floating about (oh this was in the loft) and it was gonig through the floor onto wardrobe downstairs etc....

i was very lucky though mopped it all up and the celing stayed in place, just left stain but it was being painted anyway.

Kitchen one is a nightmare, we get that a lot, how can you get a good finish when you can't even get your trowel into half of the spaces! we just baloon the price, if they go for it, it pays for your time to cover everything, if not let someone else do it !

Tried to remove radiator for better finish, guy working for us decided to drain bolier without telling us to get rad off. heating came on later that day and nearly knacker boiler! could have been really nasty! still £150 to fix it. Needless to say the guy did'nt last long after that. Customer moves/removes or it gets plastererd around, much less hassle that way.
can be a can of worms i agree..
i dont usually touch the boiler unless im gonna be fitting new rads...
I find best way is to just turn the valves to the rad off...sounds simple eh?
pullin the rad off then is easy enough, provided theres 2 of you, you have a big bucket, and the carpet is well away...
turn it upside down soon as you can...

trv (thermostatic one, big plastic thing with numbers on)
2 things here, make sure when you turn it off it gets past the '*' (frostguard) to the '0' (off).
If when youve got the rad off, its p'ing out all over at pressure its probably foobar'd...some people stick a 5p in between the valve stem (metal bit) and the actuator(plastic bit), sometimes it works too..
i find best thing with these is to either screw a flexi tap connector straight to the valve end with a stop end on the other end, or just stick an olive on a bit of 15mm copper and a nut and screw that onto the valve with a stop end..that way the valve can do what it wants, itll never leak..

the lockshields (opposite end of rad) are usually fine but if you do get a drip repeat above..

The reason i use this method is i was caught out a while ago..
built extension for customer, removed rad for plastering the knock through area
window wasnt installed, just a plastic sheet over..
trv off, or so we thought..
gravity system (yplan, tank in loft, cylinder in airing cupboard)...
4 o clock in morning temperature drops to around 3 degrees...
trv opens to prevent pipes freezing...
when they open they open FULLY
system fills itself on gravity via ball valve in loft unless tied off...
flooded blokes house...
it was in the floor/ceiling/coving/studwalls...
wrecked his carpets....
1st thing anyone knew was about 7:30 when they all got out of bed...
public liability claim that one...
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