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New Member
Just doing a bit of DIY and thought I would pop in here and find out what this 'Black Art' is all about.

I used to be a baker / confectioner so it will be interesting to see if it's like coating a wedding cake upside down :RpS_laugh:

Cheers Alan

I did try my hand at skimming last year. This year it's the full browning and skim, so think I might need to search the forum for some advice :RpS_biggrin:

If the job situation doesn't look good this year I might have to look at this as another career :rolleyes)
My mate who works for me in Spain is an ex baker he cant keep his hand out of the stuff and mixes finish with his hands.
welcome to the forum :-)

the amount of customers who have said.... you must be good at icing cakes...... lol

i used to hear that line every few days in the 90s when doing artexing

cant ice a cake either......:RpS_unsure:
yes wish i had a tenner for every time sombody said bet your good at icing cakes......and are you getting plastered tonight
I thought id better tell you im shagging you're missus here's you're money **** off she's took all you're possessions and ive had a massive s**t in you're drivers seat
I thought id better tell you im shagging you're missus here's you're money **** off she's took all you're possessions and ive had a massive s**t in you're drivers seat

Well what can I say to that ! :RpS_confused:

Let me think, do I carry on learning myself or spend my money employing a 'professional' like spunky :RpS_thumbdn:
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