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Im thinking about taking a guy on i know for 2 days a week as a labourer.
.I will employ him and pay him monthly.
It'll be ligit hell be insured receive holiday sick pay etc,but i will only commit to 2 days a week and pay him well,hes happy as he can still receive tax credits etc etc.
I know i can ask my accoutant to sort this all out for me ( at a cost) but i want to see if i can keep the records needed and pay him myself, and reduce that cost.
Basically i dont have a clue where to start with this if im honest or how to go about it setting it up.
Any help /advice pointers etc will be appreciated guys.
orite mate.....I employ my lab on a zero hours basis as some weeks it's 15 hours and the next will be 40 hours. The government gateway offers a couple of free software packages for small employers such as iris or payroo. They basically allow you to produce wage slips all arranged in a format that is recognised by the inland revenue come tax time. It completes forms as you go along so all you have to do is submit the required stuff come end of year.
Thanks very much for the info pal,where do i get these software?? please enlighten me more on how this 0 hours contract works???is it legally binding and above board for both parties?
your new employee will not have to pay NI and neither will you but if your like me and cant be bothered with the record keeping hassle then use your accountant as even this very simple payment is bloody daunting as you will need to produce P60 some time.. your accountant should charge you no more than £50.00 a year for this.... ;)
Render. is this £50 a year included with him paying him every month keeping records etc?
so what ur saying is let accountant deal with it and i just pay him £50 a year or so?
My accountant would want £50 payment to talk about it i thinks.
Or is it really that simple?
skimmin2day said:
Render. is this £50 a year included with him paying him every month keeping records etc?
so what ur saying is let accountant deal with it and i just pay him £50 a year or so?
My accountant would want £50 payment to talk about it i thinks.
Or is it really that simple?
lets just say that you go to your accountant with a start date 01/07/2010
you tell him you will be paying exactly £80.00 a week or £320.00 a month for 12 months no more and no less, your guy works exactly 16 hours a week and this will never change.
what is more simple than that... then all the accountant has to do is fill the paye slips in... in advance and submit them every month... they will all be NIL NIL NIL... but if you make a simple bloody mistake with these simple but hard to understand forms... the tax man is issuing fines.... stick to plastering and leave the bloody paperwork to them that can be bothered
ur right mate i know ur right,but will the fees only be £50 -£200 a year more for his work?
Hes charging me around £600 already for my yearly return andto look after my property interests her in uk and abroad .i dont wanna give him anymore if i can help it.
But id rather pay a few ££s more and not have the hassle.Any other suggestions guys???
the way we see the zero hours contract is that there are no fixed hours due to the nature of the work ie. contracts ending, weather, etc. so we only pay for the work done when it's there so to speak. It's a permanent but flexible method of employment which suits our line of work. I think it only gets a bit sticky if you always have someone doing 40 hrs a week continuously and you only use it to avoid paying for sickness, holidays etc. Like tax it's open to abuse but for in the right situation it can be a useful situation especially for new start ups etc. where work might be a bit sketchy and full of down time in the early days.

oh yeah go to payroo.com and read it back to front. At first it seems daunting but slowly becomes clear and sort of makes you run a tighter ship if your in control of your costs rather than offloading it all to an expensive(experience!!) accountant.
skimmin2day said:
ur right mate i know ur right,but will the fees only be £50 -£200 a year more for his work?
Hes charging me around £600 already for my yearly return andto look after my property interests her in uk and abroad .i dont wanna give him anymore if i can help it.
But id rather pay a few ££s more and not have the hassle.Any other suggestions guys???
I pay mine £2k a year for that he does LTD company accounts, VAT, PAYE for up to 20 employees, CIS payments to subbies my properties 4 in the UK and 1 in spain and my personal tax.

He is worth every penny as he keeps me clean as a whisle and 9 times out of ten i get enough of a rebate to cover all his costs.
Just ask him straight up how much will it be
It does sound good,but would an employment lawyer agree???
im only offering him 2 days a week and see how it goes,after 6 months if all is ok all give him 3 days if he wants it.
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