Evening All!

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Private Member
Hello guys,

Been joined a while just not got round to introducing my self.

Im Jordan 23 from Bristol.

Always reading new posts, some funny people on here, will get to know you all soon but apparently the miss's says im like a old man as its past my bedtime an Im tired! I like sticking to my routine so speak to you again soon.

The correct way to say hello to a Bristolian bubbles is Allright are kid.......allright my lover is more of a zomerzet thing :) Any way allright Jord what part of Birstol are you?
HA HA I was expecting some sort out reply like these!!!
Not gonna moan though cuz any reply is better than none.:RpS_thumbsup:
Im currently residing in Warmley. Brought up in speedwell though not gonna boast about it though not the best of places!
In the process of working as much as possible to buy me first house.
Seem to be doing well work wise for some reason but im not gonna moan about it. The more the merrier I say!
Funny thing is my miss's reckons I love work more than her!! NEVERRR:RpS_lol:
Been checking some threads and this spunky dude features quite a bit!!!
Is he old school?
I got a question on speed where do I post it guys?
An a question for Danny about his websites?
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