Afternoon lads,
Got a nice render job coming up mid-june and was trying to save a few quid on the external beads - I know I should be using stainless, but has anyone used the UPVC ones before - Screwfix seem to do all manner of stop/corner/bellcast beads and was going to try them out, but not before asking here first - Someone told me they are difficult to get straight because of their flexible nature ??
Anyone had any probs with them ??
Got a nice render job coming up mid-june and was trying to save a few quid on the external beads - I know I should be using stainless, but has anyone used the UPVC ones before - Screwfix seem to do all manner of stop/corner/bellcast beads and was going to try them out, but not before asking here first - Someone told me they are difficult to get straight because of their flexible nature ??
Anyone had any probs with them ??