External render beads

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Afternoon lads,

Got a nice render job coming up mid-june and was trying to save a few quid on the external beads - I know I should be using stainless, but has anyone used the UPVC ones before - Screwfix seem to do all manner of stop/corner/bellcast beads and was going to try them out, but not before asking here first - Someone told me they are difficult to get straight because of their flexible nature ??

Anyone had any probs with them ??
i would only use them if not possible to get stainless,they are an excellent bead but require little more care when setting up as of the flexibility.very good used with coloured render systems.
There are some better plastic beads on the market now , i use the ones from L&D but i think you get em at most places now , they are quite rigid and easy to fix mate and come in all colours
Plastic beads are good for through colour but other then that I use metal where I can. the metal beads you can bend the wings in or out to suit where as the plastic are ridged

richardbrown said:
Plastic beads are good for through colour but other then that I use metal where I can. the metal beads you can bend the wings in or out to suit where as the plastic are ridged


just out of interest.. are they set at a constant 90 degree angle ???
Yes they are mate.

You need to bed them on with some compo and I find that most of the time to get them bang on they are to far off the wall so takes a few scratch coats rather then one .... this only happens sometimes mind.

I much prefer to set 3m stainless beads

Each to their own mate

Rich x
thanks for that, think i'll stick with stainless steel beads 8)

i thought a o they would be offest slightly at 80 or 85 etc
think it'll be a long time till ill be in there buying materials ::) long story but see what happens, could be hanging up the trowel for a few months :-\
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