External rendering... yes another!

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alright guys, just couple of questions for you regarding rendering..

its the one thing Ive not a hell of a lot of experience with, laid plenty of scratch coats and patched small areas but not many large areas! (had one phone call for rendering in the last couple of years, so dont get chance to do it you see)

problem is Ive heard so many different ways to lay both scratch and top coat.. do you ALL rule off your scratch coat? as I was never taught to rule off scratch and never heard of it until I worked with another spread recently who does! ( seems pointless to me as the wall should be farely straight if built properly)

and also how do you go about ruling off top coat? both vertically and horizontally? or do some prefere just one way? as ruling both horizontal and vertical seems another pointless thing to me as surely if you rule one way and then go the opposite way you will end up ruining what you already ruled to begin with? (if that makes sense)

I suppose its just strange to me because I was always taught screed method of floating so free hand ruling seems a bodge way of doing things but just something that needs to be done on external as screeds will be seen!

Ive always laid scratch free hand, got it flat as possible, then top coated, ruled off vertically and rubbed up, help is much apreciated though fellas as you all know, we are always learning and always striving to be better! :0

cheers! Ad
oh yeah one more thing, questioned what I was doing due to seeing an older spread I know that doesnt rule off either scratch or top, just freehands them both, and his finish is probably one of the best Ive seen!

So does ruling off REALLY make a flat surface? cos we've all seen the light catch a rendered wall at some time or other and they near enough always look suprisingly shocking! so is ruling yet another old school myth of plastering? ::)
Hola amigo...
I never rule off sand and cement as scratch coat can be flattened with trowel to recieve the top coat... but the monocouche renders need have the first pass flattened so when you scratch back the top coat the first coat doesnt show through... if top coat needs ruleing off i use a spatula... this is easier to use than derby and leaves top coat flat as a fart
Render Systems said:
Hola amigo...
I never rule off sand and cement as scratch coat can be flattened with trowel to recieve the top coat... but the monocouche renders need have the first pass flattened so when you scratch back the top coat the first coat doesnt show through... if top coat needs ruleing off i use a spatula... this is easier to use than derby and leaves top coat flat as a fart

when you scratch back top coat? do you mean K rend and those kinda renders? (sorry mate I am a youngun here whose still learning so dont know all the systems yet)

do you not always rule off top coat with sand and cement either then? if its not been ruled, isnt it a bit of a c**t to rub up (as surface has been left closed and not open to dry out, if that makes sense)

what gets me is you say you never rule scratch coat (and by sounds not even top coat sometimes) but matey boy who posted after you says you have to rule both!

why cant there just be one way of doing things? :D
its down to personal choice what you rule off and how , if your doing your own work and you want it to look the best it can when the sunshines along it , i would rule off both coats and pay particularly attention through scaffolding lifts .
i always use to put my scratch coat on pretty tight so there was no need to rule off then lay a top coat on and rule it up only.................since been on here ;D ive learnt youre scratch coat should be thicker than youre top coat so if you lay a 10mm scratch coat on i reckon you'd struggle to get it flat enough without ruling
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