Eyes opened to Canada...

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New Member
Hi to All
Just a quick intro...Im a sparky who made the move to Alberta just over a year ago...mall northern town...great people (on the whole!)
Have been lucky in the last 23+ years to be able to work across most trades...but I can't paint and I don't like gardening!!
Otherwise im happy with my power tools.

Up here there are NO plasterers, no-one has seen it, some have not heard of it...captive audience...until I can't get the product I need.

So this is a near desperate plea...anyone in AB, BC or SK know where I can get finish plaster?
Am used to the UK 2 coat multi finish...im told that the equivilent is Veneer finish plaster??

Can anyone help please...!?
Hey- Live in
I'm down here in Seattle, I know you've got plasterers in BC, I don't know if there's a supply there that might carry veneer plaster. If you can't find one in BC I know that Salmon Bay Sand & Gravel (My Supplier) is always shipping materials up to Alaska, I don't know why they wouldn't ship to Alberta. The only thing I'd be weary of is the shipper exposing your load to excess moisture and jeopardizing your set times. And then there's the shipping costs that would make an even larger cost difference between drywall & taping and blue board and veneer plaster. Don't forget to have your supplier throw in P-tape (fiberglass tape) & any mini beads.
Hope this helps ….

Salmon Bay Sand and Gravel
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