Finishing plaster

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New Member
Is it just me getting older & slower, or has anybody else noticed that since we've been buried in this credit crunch that the finishing plaster is going off/setting a lot quicker? I'm 47yrs old and been doing this all my life and have noticed a significant change in how quick it is setting. I'm guessing that since the building trade has been suffering the plaster is being held in the silos longer than normal before being bagged? Please let me know your opinion?
Yep, been mentioned a few times now on other posts, I thought it was me also, am not the quickest plasterer by far but a 2 bag set (domestic) can be a killer at times. :D
Yeh except for today when a ceiling took twice as long to set! I was hangin around for ages, even had time to plain two doors and have two cups of coffee with fingers biscuits and cookies. Oh yeh and a packet of crisps.
Put that down to the house bein freezing with a bust boiler. Just took it easy as it was over artex. ;)
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