No, there are many times I would use waterproofer, On thermalite blocks for instance but not for floating off. Also when pebbledashing. Trouble with waterproofer is it's at odds with all the enhanced cements, and most dust is now enhanced. It has a plasticiser in it that entrains air in the mix and the waterproofer is generally silicon based designed to plug the pores, first coat goes on, just about but the second coat just falls off. So you have to insist on good old fashioned OPC. Truth is mate, if I'm on a job and a builder says use waterproofer or some tosspot architect has specified it I aint going to disagree, but I always explain to them why it is s**t, AFTER I have been paid. I was looking at some sika rendering I did 15 years ago (cant miss it, it is on a gable wall in a main street) recently and it aint stood up well at all, large sections have blown and it is crazed all over, meanwhiles the rendering on the colosseum in Rome is stuck like s**t to a blanket 2000 years on. Reckon they knew what they were on about.