fiolzomat ?

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New Member
thinking about investing in a fiolzmat any of you guys used them are they any good cos there a bit pricey to find out after youve bought the thing that its useless.
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can be used for a range of jobs , spongeing, sanding etc ideal for Eif's for sanding down high spots and protruding edges etc before applying mesh, think theres a guy on you tube using one for spongeing mp
The germans don't like hard graft so if they can invent a machine to do it they will , it wasn't enough to invent a machine to bung it on thje wall , they wanted help to finish it , so to save on a bit of arm ache they brought this out (the lazy baaasstaaards)
would be petrefied of using one especially on mono ....but if you can get youre head around it i'd get one
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