First day

I was on screed pump . Massive load of sharp tipped up .I said that should keep us going for a couple of weeks . I'd done a bit with brickies. This big paddy just laughed. I wasn't laughing when he dropped me home that night :endesacuerdo:
I was told to go and ask joiner to make me a hand board to go with the part worn trowel iwas given to me off the boss man /then I had to try and coat in a window opening that been bricked up lime backing coat haired
You’ve got a good memory norm!
You’ve got a good memory norm!
certain things stick in the brain/but if you asked me where I worked last week or where the fcking van keys are no chance/fist day at work was mid july 1965 at a very large Victorian grammer school being turned into teachers training college cant remember what pay was but there was ashilling a week tool allowance
certain things stick in the brain/but if you asked me where I worked last week or where the fcking van keys are no chance/fist day at work was mid july 1965 at a very large Victorian grammer school being turned into teachers training college cant remember what pay was but there was ashilling a week tool allowance
Is that you in the middle norm?
First day
how times have changed eh ;)
Knocking out some 100 year old s&c with a mash hammer amd bolster for an expansion joint.
Worked on Victor road, Dore in Sheffield, the second Monday in July 1972.

I had bought some ex army boots from Wakefields Army stores and I got a blister on my heel. Assisted Billy Green a very fit 63 year old labourer mixing Browning in a tin bath then Carlite finish in a bucket mixed with a stick.

Second and third day we worked at Whitbreads brewery and the labourer made me have it with getting water then delivering mixed buckets of plaster two flights up.

The blister burst then blistered again and by Wednesday dinner I was sent home. Ankle was on a mess took nearly two weeks to heal.
I was told to go and ask joiner to make me a hand board to go with the part worn trowel iwas given to me off the boss man /then I had to try and coat in a window opening that been bricked up lime backing coat haired
Bloody hell your going back a bit .did you go to work on horse and cart.
Worked on Victor road, Dore in Sheffield, the second Monday in July 1972.

I had bought some ex army boots from Wakefields Army stores and I got a blister on my heel. Assisted Billy Green a very fit 63 year old labourer mixing Browning in a tin bath then Carlite finish in a bucket mixed with a stick.

Second and third day we worked at Whitbreads brewery and the labourer made me have it with getting water then delivering mixed buckets of plaster two flights up.

The blister burst then blistered again and by Wednesday dinner I was sent home. Ankle was on a mess took nearly two weeks to heal.
love you stories Rigsby
getting into laings van,..6 blokes in all smoking woodbines/players,that lasted 20 minutes until we got to site,..flatten angle beads/sweeping up......old labourer was captured first day of the second world war,got all his war stories,...remember mixing plaster with a plunger,bucket after bucket after bucket,heard this shouting,an arguement between a cockney plasterer who had lived up north for 30 years,still had a cockney accent,almighty row over handbord/hawk,.....some things never change,.....i did not have a clue what all the fuss was about,...could not understand why all the other trades had there bait at set times, but plasterers every day was different,
getting into laings van,..6 blokes in all smoking woodbines/players,that lasted 20 minutes until we got to site,..flatten angle beads/sweeping up......old labourer was captured first day of the second world war,got all his war stories,...remember mixing plaster with a plunger,bucket after bucket after bucket,heard this shouting,an arguement between a cockney plasterer who had lived up north for 30 years,still had a cockney accent,almighty row over handbord/hawk,.....some things never change,.....i did not have a clue what all the fuss was about,...could not understand why all the other trades had there bait at set times, but plasterers every day was different,
hope u told him its afcking HANDBOARD LOL