Fixing beads

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Was fixing pvcu beads today ready for tmw (reskim), substrate is render + skim walls are all over the place and i think there are wooden beads underneath. I was fixing with nails but quite alot of the side of the beads are still sticking out...whats the solution no beads on these kind of corners? customer would really like neat edge how is this done without beads? could i use staples or some kind of glue to fix the beads instead?


stick em on with skim, lay on your ceiling first and whatevers left use it to bead up with.. time the ceilings done theyll be ready..
take the wood out too..
Alight Bigsegs thats what i usually do but i don't think skim is going to hold these in place...even with nails they are not tight against the wall at sides...can't remove wooden beads.

the other thing is i skimmed the ceiling today...couldn't get a finish on it went off tooquick and took tonnes of plaster (over artex my first one) can i PVA tmw and skim over? will not be dry.
yes mate, pva 2 coats, wet one first then a 3:1, then have it again.. might only need 1 coat of pva but see how it is in the morning...
if the walls are that far out that with a straight bead its too much to skim, try laying a thin coat of bonding near the beads to level the wall out, rule it off a bit and bed yer beads into that... give it 20 mins / half hour and skim it... it'll work fine and level your wall out nicely... everyones happy ;)
dabbins fine to stick em on with but the only thing i find with it is you need to let it go right off (next day pref) before you skim or it stays wetter than the skim.. i.e. the skim will set and the dab will still be wet underneath so you can imagine the nightmare...
i once rolled out a vaulted ceiling with dab, then skimmed it half hour later... wished to god i'd used bonding...
First time using upvc beads thought they were great...will use from now on losing to much getting the steel ones damaged. I stapled them on in the end with stanley stapler 12mm staples all eneven corners took 10 mins 4 beads...looked spot on after skimming.

not sure whether i had the right beads though these ones were from screwfix 2mm thincoat drywall beads...are galvanised thincoat beads also 2mm i thought they were more like 3-4mm?
Yes m8 slightly had to pack them out a bit to cover bead edge.

I think 2mm is too small more suited to one coat skimming maybe on site etc correct?
2mm would do me loverly... i find the 3mm galvo thincote a bit thick sometimes, not usually a problem i just lay on thicker round the beads but i'd love em a mil thinner...
ive started checking the first coat with a small feather edge just run it up the wall, with the feather edge just on the inside of the tip of the bead, so there's 1mm of the tip exposed for the second coat and there's no scoop.
i dont go that far!! i just lay it on to the edge of the bead 1st coat and keep the trowel at 90 to the bead when i flatten in, toppin feathers out to nothin at the bead edge...
you can put that striaght edge away addict youll make us all look like c'nts  ;D
(joke btw :D)
half the time i don't use it, just check it... it looks shite with scoops near the bead. thats another reason i use grip fill to stick the bead... because i can get the bead really close to the wall.

as you say..... sometimes the bead could do with being a mm smaller
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