flattening in

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New Member
i have heard some spreaders flatten in the first coat as they spread , but how is this done when plaster is still wet . i know it is a skill thats why i and a few others wait then flatten in but if the flatten in stage can be missed out its a lot quicker . cheers daz
same as skimmin, my first and secong coat are relatively flat, get it on with the first coat and fill and small hollows or anything like that with the second, then dry trowel, two wet and a polish.
Not everyone flattens the first coat cos it take longer, but it does make doing the second coat easier.
two coats on(from same mix)... then flattern. wait to go chessey or putty like, then trowel up. simple as that
i always flatten off first coat and do it horizontaly, only takes 30 seconds for a decent sized wall and makes all the difference for your second coat.
Pug said:
i always flatten off first coat and do it horizontaly, only takes 30 seconds for a decent sized wall and makes all the difference for your second coat.
same as, and i cut the edges off with the trowel too so i aint draggin the first coat in with the second... allows you to put a real thin topping on if you wanna get done, perfect finish every time, and i flatten 2nd coat same way.. final trowel gos same way too, everything else upan downie ;D

only problem i get is running along the bottom bent double trying to get pressure on the trowel... i want one one a pole!
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