i always thought that it looked absolute chaff, ok yes in certain situations the stuff could coverup really ugly jobs where cracking could be a problem.......but i doubt i would have that stuff on my house on my floor or even on a wall...why pay alot for fake driveway bricking when for a little more you could have the genuine stuff that looks a million times better...save that stuff for the "no taste americans" and let them make pools/lay driveways/make walls etc out the stuff......i wouldn't have the balls to sell that stuff to a customer in the same way i dont sell artex to coverup things ........think its pig ugly skills in the painting of it........the sale was here ..a little too hard for my liking, just cause they had an advert here did it give them the right to pester everyone to do a course, good luck to em tho, we all need to maker a living... its just another fad...