float and set

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after uve float and set a room do u apply thin coat beads before skimming or scrape back the hardwall close to the exsiting bead and skim up to that. cheers

also do u lads pva hardwall or C&S before skimming. cheers
If your floating mate you should set angle beads on the brick/block work first, then cut back the backing coat a couple of mill so the finish will be flush with the arris of the bead.
What do you mean by c & s?
so im guessing if i use sand & cement its best to cut back the beads before in goes off.

also wondering is it ok to use different backing plasters on the same wall. lets say scratch with sand and cement and finish with hardwall.... or S&C scratch with waterproofer in the mix then finsh with pva and bonding plaster. cheers
or is it just a stupid question....... ive heard of people using a waterproof scratch coats then dot&dab before. do many people use this method. cheers
SkyZOO said:
so im guessing if i use sand & cement its best to cut back the beads before in goes off.

also wondering is it ok to use different backing plasters on the same wall. lets say scratch with sand and cement and finish with hardwall.... or S&C scratch with waterproofer in the mix then finsh with pva and bonding plaster. cheers
SkyZOO said:
or is it just a stupid question....... ive heard of people using a waterproof scratch coats then dot&dab before. do many people use this method. cheers
I cut back when im rubbing up. You dont need to use another plaster on sand and cement you should get it with that but if you do, bonding is best, dot and dabbing on S&C is done as a parge coat between two houses usually
if there is any chance of damp occuring in the wall use S&C with a waterproofer if your scratching then why not top with S&C,

if your skimmg the same day or at the latest first thing the next morning you dont need to pva hardwall, but your always best floating till about 1 then turn back and skim it all up
so when your ruling off do you use the bead as a guide or do you move back a bit? surely if you use the bead as a guide and cut it back, there will be a slight bend in the wall near the bead when you skim it?
Yes you rule off you're beads and all you're cutting back is the inside of the beads to allow the skim to sit in flush and then clean the edges of you're beads as per normal!
I rule of the beads and then when putting the float over the wall I scratch it up nice and neat and tidy and then rather than actually cutting back from the beads as some do I run the float down the bead at an angle which takes the S&C back from the edge just enough to allow for the skim.
essexandy said:
I rule of the beads and then when putting the float over the wall I scratch it up nice and neat and tidy and then rather than actually cutting back from the beads as some do I run the float down the bead at an angle which takes the S&C back from the edge just enough to allow for the skim.

+ 1 on what he said
thats what i do spunky, i thought if you rule of the bead, then skim ontop, surely the bead won't be as neat as if you stay away from it with your backing coat. I'm not saying this is the right way, just trying to get lots of opinions, always looking for improvement!
Spunky do like to scrape it back on the roughing i had to use twice as much skim the other week i reckon he can get about 5m2 out of a bag of skim but he does get 6m2 out a bag of hardwall ;D
youve got more to worry than that mate simon was on site and is refusing to pay cause all the ceiling lines are cock eyed
F****** hell whats going on here, rule of the beads then cut it back with your float a couple of mill.
get an angle plane you can run it up the bead when floating is set cuts it back lovely
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