Floating help

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New Member
Hi all

Ive not done alot of float and set using hardwall but can some one please help me the CORRECT process?

If the ceiling is boarded do you scrim board to brick then hardwall?
Do you give it one or two coats of hardwall?
How soon do you key it up
How soon do you skim it?

Might seen silly questions to you pro plasterers but i just wanna know im right with what i think!!!

I only normally do boarding on site but can use a trowel but never done hardwall.

Honest help please.

Thanks in advance
Unless it's the most straight forward of walls you'll make a mess of it, with respect.

Get an experienced spread to do it and help/labour for them to get the jist of it.
Hardwall first,it's two coats,one straight after theother,rule and plumb,float up when it pulls in enough,you can skim once it's hard enough that your thumb won't press into it,you can scrim then and skim ceiling or walls or both.
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