Full room

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New Member

I am going to do a full room soon, and just wondered, I am not fast at it at the moment, so would you focus on one wall at a time, get that looking good them move onto another, or do a couple and go back to smooth out?

only put as much on as you can handle, dont over stretch yourself, i do a room in two hits but speed takes alot of time and practice.
I'd start with one wall at a time mate.
It'll take longer but what's more important
I think most of us started with one wall at a time.
Everyone says it, but speed comes in time.
Quality not quantity ;)
a think you shud do wat you think you can do theres no1 there that can criticise you n a job thats dun properly is def much beta. wat youve got to think ov is they cud pass your numba on good workmanship is always good for buisness ;)
erehwemos trats lla ew emit erouy ekat dna yad a dnuop 001£ egrahc
respect ;)
if its your own room then try and push yourself, you will only get better if you keep pushing yourself.

do the 4 walls in one..... only messing! but do try and push yourself as its your own room!
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