Gday to all

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New Member
Just joined and thought id say a quick gday to all you boys and girls on here. names jimmy, live in kent and been plastering for 5 years. got laid off not too long ago so starting out on my own:RpS_unsure:. is ther any advice or suggestions anyone wants to give? any info is appreciated. nice to meet you all
cheers in advance
Done the same thing around three years ago mate, it's not easy but can be a much better lifestyle. A few tips I have are save some money when you earn well ( you will get dry spells in your first couple of years no matter how good you are), use as nice/ new van as you can afford and get it sign written ( cheapest advertising out there) Don't be tempted in being to cheap, most people want a balance of quality and affordability. Lastly be on time and always do what you say you will do. Best of luck.
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