I have seen a lot of people trying to get work and a lot of sites like Rated are just not the way to do it. so I have put this post together to help and to enlighten the young and old alike....lol
OK so first things first you need to run it like a business be professional in everything you do. no swearing to what customers you do have you need to be polite and respect them and their house (common sense but you will be surprised)
Always have a business card on you... I tend to have a cheapo business card to hand out willy nilly then an expensive type card to give to the big players and upper class types of people. A good business card is the key tells a lot about a person.
Have your van sign written bigger the better this is your own mobile bill board its the biggest advert and it works!! Make sure you have a web adress on it and a phone number
However if your van is sign written dont drive like a dick as you will get phone calls (yes I had one) remember its the face of your company respect it!
Get T shirts printed as big as you can with your mobile number web address and make sure you say PLASTERER on it very important. Now where these everywhere you go and I mean everywhere!! Shops pub funerals the lot!! I have had people take photos of me in mine acted as a business card!
Get a website! this is your modern portfolio it works a treat and you will get work off the back of it!!
Get flyers printed and leaflet drop on your days where you have no work just keep pushing them through doors!
Also here is one method I know works very well get post cards made up with your details on and post them to all local builders... I have had work off this and it is quite an eye catching way to get work
word of mouth is another way and is probably one of the most strongest ways you can grow your business. I used to do jobs cheap for the people with the biggest mouths as I new it would do me a huge favour and boy does it work also means you can charge more to the reccommendations....they wont want anyone else!!
Go to your local pub and have abeer often! This is because youw will see builders and other trades and well the word soon gets around that you are who you are ect.
Be reliable and turn up when you say you are going to dont let people down.
Never turn work down EVER!! If you cant do it yourself sub it out but make sure your company still has control very important especially when building a brand. I would just take everything and sub it out and I made good money... I was quoting jobs I had no idea about but just drafted the right man for the job in.
This is what worked for me and it goes for other trades as well
Hope this is helpful
I have seen a lot of people trying to get work and a lot of sites like Rated are just not the way to do it. so I have put this post together to help and to enlighten the young and old alike....lol
OK so first things first you need to run it like a business be professional in everything you do. no swearing to what customers you do have you need to be polite and respect them and their house (common sense but you will be surprised)
Always have a business card on you... I tend to have a cheapo business card to hand out willy nilly then an expensive type card to give to the big players and upper class types of people. A good business card is the key tells a lot about a person.
Have your van sign written bigger the better this is your own mobile bill board its the biggest advert and it works!! Make sure you have a web adress on it and a phone number
However if your van is sign written dont drive like a dick as you will get phone calls (yes I had one) remember its the face of your company respect it!
Get T shirts printed as big as you can with your mobile number web address and make sure you say PLASTERER on it very important. Now where these everywhere you go and I mean everywhere!! Shops pub funerals the lot!! I have had people take photos of me in mine acted as a business card!
Get a website! this is your modern portfolio it works a treat and you will get work off the back of it!!
Get flyers printed and leaflet drop on your days where you have no work just keep pushing them through doors!
Also here is one method I know works very well get post cards made up with your details on and post them to all local builders... I have had work off this and it is quite an eye catching way to get work
word of mouth is another way and is probably one of the most strongest ways you can grow your business. I used to do jobs cheap for the people with the biggest mouths as I new it would do me a huge favour and boy does it work also means you can charge more to the reccommendations....they wont want anyone else!!
Go to your local pub and have abeer often! This is because youw will see builders and other trades and well the word soon gets around that you are who you are ect.
Be reliable and turn up when you say you are going to dont let people down.
Never turn work down EVER!! If you cant do it yourself sub it out but make sure your company still has control very important especially when building a brand. I would just take everything and sub it out and I made good money... I was quoting jobs I had no idea about but just drafted the right man for the job in.
This is what worked for me and it goes for other trades as well
Hope this is helpful