glass rock

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Joint it. This funnel was done with Glasroc and jointed. I know, cos I did it.

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bet that was fun to do tony looks good mate i like the peices that take a bit more thinking about to do
The bottom of the funnel started at a height of about 14 metres, and shortly after I finished jointing , the painter drove a cherry picker into the side of it.

Rich, you can skim it but it sucks like hell.
talking of wba on anouther thread could you sue a double coat of that to kill the suction tony, ive never had the pleasure of skiming onto this stuff (glassrock that is)
That should do it. I expect a couple of coats of PVA would do it, although the board is very smooth to start with.
Good work mate, me and my son done similar last year though i must admit he knew the mechanics of it not me,it was an oval reception area with all the hidden lighting above prob was no one could set it, well only the silly old c**t after watching three people fcuk it up and me laughing privately about it the dopey agent said well your finding it so funny you sort it, 20 mins sorted, bricklaying background same as setting out certain brick arches, bet you dont learn that on a course.
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