Great first attempt at sheeting


Private Member
Just turned up to do this and the lad has just finished sheeting it. His first attempt and it’s better than most joiners out there.
Great first attempt at sheeting
It’s ok Ladies .I’ll be done for 1.30. Same tomorrow and hardly broke sweat! Enjoy your weekend
Are screws expensive where you live
There must be a fair bit of bounce in those boards on the wall they're only screwed round the perimeter of the board and the ceiling has to many screws. I'm sure old casper will get the screw gun out.
The lad is aware. He’s finishing it later today. Home cinema. But still I wil polish it up to my usual impeccable standard
As a first attempt on his own its pretty good. I've seen lads on site do far worse, then try to fill all the f'ups with expanded foam. On one job all the boards were fixed purely with foam, not a single nail.
It’s a solid job. 12.5mm boards. Well fixed. Kingspan all round. It’s going to be a cinema room. All dark and cosy. Shame my finish won’t be the blockbuster!!!
I sometimes look at your work and just can’t contain my envy I wish I was closer to you so you could take me under your wing for a year or two :(