Greetings from the states.....

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New Member
I'm much more a lurker that a poster. We are currently remodeling the old homestead that my father built in 1948. It is a cinder block/brick house, with an all plaster interior. Plaster has not been used in our area (the midwest) for many years, and so most if not all of the master plasterers are permanently situated in a horizontal position. This leaves plaster repair and replacement all up to me. My latest project will be replacing the ceiling in the entrance way with a sand texture swirl finish, so if you see me posting in the near future, it will probably be about this..... :rolleyes)
Why do you fellas call everything mud?

As I've come to understand, very little plastering is done in the middle of the US nowadays, most of it being either older or very expensive homes on either the east or west coasts. Most homes since probably the late 50s' or so have interior walls constructed with drywall, with the seams taped and "mudded". I would assume, just like the phrase "Xerox" for copying something, people here refer to everything as mud, since drywall mud is the prevalent product. I call plaster "plaster", since that is what I am dealing with.....:rolleyes)
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