Grim up North??

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New Member
Hi all. Chomper here again.
Well I managed to bully my way onto a college course. I had a place and then the T***s at college gave the place away!
So basically I gave them a load of grief and Im back on.
I agree with you Danny, experience is king and there's nothing like being given the time off the job to be shown by an expert, make a bit of a tit of yourself away from your work mates and then transform into a half decent exponent!

So Ive been on the blower this afternoon and its all very gloom and doom amongst alot of the plastering firms up here in sunny Blackpool.
They all moaned about how many lads they've been laying off, due to the influx of the Polish teams that have sprung up.
I've got nothing against them personally. In their shoes I'd do the same. In fact I spent a fair few years working abroad as a chef.
Mind you, I was mega experienced and qualified and I was filling a position that nobody else could do locally.
Seems the government are happy to take your money for you to re-train yourself but equally as happy to let folk with no skills whatsoever, come over and work the same job for practically no money.
That said, there are some bloody good ones too and they work like dogs until the jobs done. I know, Ive worked along side some of them.
I suppose we live in a free market and a competitive world and Im a believer that so long as you work in a professional manner at all times and not get a 'cob on' for too long every time things don't go your way, you'll be alright.
Right I'll get down off me soap box!!
I dont really agree with the influx of these evil poles!!!! They only really fill jobs that lazy scroungers dont want to do down my way- like warehouse work and fruit picking. But I hear they are hitting london and surrounding areas on site mainly!!! The thing is if more English people got off their arses and went out to work instead of having eight kids the goverment may act differently.

It is a shame but its rip off britain getting worse!!!!! Saying that when I done a gold trowel course we had a pole with us and his standard of work was very good!!!!

Thats my opinion anyway!!!
f**k the poles get as good at your job as you can and youll never be short of work these polish the ones that have been here a while dont want to work for less than us and they will start asking for the same money as us thats when the fun and games will begin
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