Gtec weather defence board skimming?

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New Member
Still trying to sort out a product for a indoor swimming pool room ceiling l ,i have come across the gtec weather defence board ,has anyone used this before and can it be skimmed with a bond it or similar coat
I would like to use deco plus by knaff ,cant afford the aquapanel\aquaboard so got to find something better than mr plasterboard which will be my last resort
Any thoughts
Looking at the specs it seems that it would be ideal for a swimming pool ceiling and cheaper than the aquaboard althought the official line is that you cannot skim it but then i get the same line with the moisture resistant plasterboard, the board finish is slightly roughened which i would have thought would help with the skim but i have not seen one myself
The aquaboard is not designed to be skimmed but joint and taped using the aquamix but my building inspector wants a board and skim finish for fire rating BUT this is a indoor swimming pool so how long that would last is anyones guess
The decoplus has moisture resistance in it so should help but has to be machined applied

all thoughts greatfully recieved
Hi Chequers

Knauf offer a full swimming pool ceiling system - Knauf Aquapanel Interior Board, fixings, Joint Filler and Tape and then Knauf Aquapanel Interior Skim (which is a ready mixed spray finish skim coat)

All of this will be warranted by Knauf for use in a swimming pool environment.

I understand what you are saying about cost - in comparison to a gypsum ceiling, these are all a lot more expensive - but do you want your finish or complete ceiling to fall down into your pool in a few years?

Sorry - I cannot comment on the GTEC products, I suggest you contact them directly....

If you want more assistance, drop me a mail at [email protected] or contact Knauf Technical on 01795424499

Good Luck

Richard Lord
Hi thanks
I agree the aquapanel is very good but cannot stretch to it after a long self build
Anyone seen or used the gtech weather defence board
As I understand it gypsum plaster should not be used in areas of high humidity, so if you're still going to push on and skim it anyway you might just as well used normal MR board. Once skimmed you'll then have to make sure that no moisture can get through your chosen paint.
Personally if I couldn't afford to do it properly I'd put that part of the build on hold until I could afford it.
Unfortuately being a the end of the self build i cannot complete for building regs untill pool hall finished so cannot finacially move forward untill it is done so a bit stuck but to do the best i can
Try Parex

They render onto the GTEC board.......

Not going to be much cheaper that Aquapanel option though......

Think you need to find the funds - sorry....
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